Airgyro logoAirgyro Aviation LLC

Flight Training and Support Rates at Airgyro Aviation Dealers

Service Instructor and Aircraft Headset Rental Ground Instruction
Gyrocopter Flight Training
$240 per hour
$5 per hour
$55 per hour
Flight training in your gyrocopter
$95 / hour in your aircraft for instructor
$5 / hour
$55 / hour
Introductory flight lesson
$100 for 20 minutes. (Plan on 45 minutes at our location)
Test pilot services for new aircraft
$220 / hour in your aircraft
Ground Classes - All you need to know to pass your pilot exams. Our certified flight instructors add ground training to your flight training. It is easier to learn when combined.
Shop Services - includes maintenance, tools, mechanic etc. $95/hr. (Spare Parts = cost + 10% avg.)

Flight Training and Support Rates at Your Location

Service Instructor & Aircraft Expenses
Flight Training in your gyrocopter
$720 per day including travel days
You pay transportation, food, & lodging + your own fuel
Flight Training in our gyrocopter
$1,000 per day including travel days
You pay food and lodging plus fuel for our gyrocopter.
Support Services at your location
$720 per day including travel days
You pay transportation, food & lodging.
Services included with flight training - Up to four hours per day of in-air instruction is included. Any additional flying hours required will be charged at our regular hourly rate. Weather or mechanical or other delays for flying are at your risk. Other services, such as aircraft inspections, mechanical and maintenance services, and ground training can be provided when not flying during the 8 hour day.

For non-flight training support services - Up to eight hours per day of inspection, mechanical and repair services, aircraft tuning, etc. will be provided. Overtime hours will be charged at 1.5 times our regular shop rate, in addition to the daily charge.

Financing and Insurance

We have financing available for purchasers of our gyrocopters. Payments under $1,500 per month.
We have both liability and aircraft hull insurance available for purchasers of our gyrocopters.
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